Blogger Gan's hatred
Read the papers this morning about Blogger Gan's conviction.If I take his mitigation in all of its glory, I would have understood his hatred towards the Malay community.
However, I felt that this is not, I repeat, this is NOT a Malay thing. It could have been a Chinese couple, it could have been an Indian couple, it could also have been an Almighty Caucasian couple. It just happened to be a Malay couple.
Perhaps the Malay couple was really rushing for something, perhaps they might be trying to catch a flight. Perhaps they were rushing to the hospital as well. I won't know. And it really is their prerogative to give up their cab.
I mean, I could be flagging a cab after a 20 min wait and rushing for the exams. A couple comes up to me with a foaming baby. Would I give up my cab?
I think I would probably stay in the cab, but go to the hospital first... take a picture, then explain to the invigilator. It's probably the most appropriate thing to do in such circumstances...
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